Quote Originally Posted by Count Dingdong View Post
Would probably work pretty well. Would make the game go on longer, which seems a plus for it, considering how long is needed for roles (18 days for demi-lich = most I saw). Will work with you in applying it if you need help!
I was thinking of starting with
Initial Play:
? Villagers
1 Woodcutter
1 Cleric
1 Rogue
1 Mage

? Zombies
2 Vampires
1 Lich
and yes, the Arch-lich targets ghosts to become wraiths and wraiths create more wraiths... exponentially... is that over the top?
Quote Originally Posted by Count Dingdong View Post
Give power over entrhalled's day votes. Also, Thralls should have restriction over revealing that they're enthralled. Vamps should be limited to one thrall at a time.
I think I've decided on the following:
Master Vampire:
whenever a player becomes a Master Vampire, a random living Villager becomes a Vampire Hunter (if a Villager is available, otherwise no Vampire Hunter). In addition to the abilities of a Vampire, a Master Vampire's night attack invades his target's living mind (if the target has one that is). This not only reveals the targets current role and powers, but allows the Vampire to dictate how his target will use those powers for the next day/night cycle.