Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
By the by: this is Ace's second serial overall,
Huh. Did not know that. The Seven/Ace relationship seemed so solid, I would've thought they'd already been together a while before this.

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
Whose bright idea was to have utterly terrifying smirking/grinning faces of the Doctors fade into their intro tunes and stare out at you?!

This is one Classic Who tradition I'm glad didn't make it over to Nu Who. Although I got to admit, it would be delightfully kitschy if it happened for the fiftieth anniversary special.
I'm imaginig a Matt Smith equivalent. It just looks silly (This may be helped by the fact I'm imagining him wearing the fez as well).

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
A: "Professor, I'm hungry. Lack of food makes me hungry you know." And prone to making tautologies.
D: "Lack of food makes you obstreperous!" Obstreperous: noisy, unruly, cranky - so, a normal teenager. "Why don't you go and buy some consumables? There's a cafe down there, while I undertake a detailed and scientific examination of that van that has so singularly failed to grab your attention!" Oh boy. McCoy's prone to sesquipedalian loquaciousness in normal dialogue, I dread his technoTreknobabble scenes. It is my comprehension that all of the Doctors are, to a certain degree, inclined to discourse in which they expound upon the most commonplace happenings with the most effusive outpouring of lexis more characteristically located in the novellas detailing events occurring within certain periods of Albion's long and noble history (a la the writings of the most estimable Jane Austen), but this is the Seventh Doctor's first major utterance and already I am compelled to comment in a stunned aside that it is indeed fortuitous that I had speedily located the transcription of this episode beforehand so that I might accurately relate unto you, my dear readers, the happenings of this tale otherwise I might have found myself awash in a veritable sea of overly archaic and convoluted conversation during my vain endeavours to transcribe the speech. Yes, that was all one sentence.
Honestly, IIRC, the sesquipedalian loquaciousness was the first thing which really made me love Sylvester McCoy's Doctor.
As to

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
It is my comprehension that all of the Doctors are, to a certain degree, inclined to discourse in which they expound upon the most commonplace happenings with the most effusive outpouring of lexis more characteristically located in the novellas detailing events occurring within certain periods of Albion's long and noble history (a la the writings of the most estimable Jane Austen)
That immediately brought to mind a Four quote which I've seen: "The localised condition of planetary atmospheric condensation caused a malfunction in the visual orientation circuits. Or to put it another way, we got lost in the fog."

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
While I'm on McCoy's diction, I adore the way he rolls his alveolar trills.
Oh yes, I loved that as well. It's no wonder he's done Gilbert & Sullivan with diction like that.

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
Gasp! Look at this blasphemy! The Not-brig has a Not-Brigstache and is acting like the Brig! WHO IS THIS MAN?! Simon Williams aka Group Captain Gilmore. He is also a Brigclone.
I'm just really amused by your portmanteaus.

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
It's been so long since I've seen a flirty Doctor - and no, Two doesn't count because he's in a committed relationship with Jamie - that it's actually fairly unsettling.

I've got to get back to watching through Classic Who.

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
And maybe I've been around sci-fi/comic science too long, but poly-carbide sounds like a real thing.
I don't recall ever hearing of it outside the context of Daleks.

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
D: "Aim for the eyepiece! Ace, give me some of that nitro-9 that you're not carrying. Quickly. And another." Nitro-9 comes in aerosol cans apparently. But this little exchange (the whole thing) shows how close they've become in just one serial, he already knows that Ace always carries explosives, and trusts her to look after it so they don't get blown sky-high.
I believe Seven consistently tells Ace not to bring the nitro-9, and she always does anyway.

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
Also? Ten? You have used explosives in the past. And encourage your Companions to make and use them. You would never use a gun indeed. Just you wait until I see you use a gun. Just you wait.
I think Six used a gun at some point? Pretty sure there was a clip on a Confidential at some point when they were talking about the whole Doctor-guns thing.

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
Turns out the Hand of Omega was left behind by the Doctor last time he was here. But if it's something so super-important that even the Daleks want it, how could he lose it? I mean, he's not seni -

*glances at her Doctor Who: The Beginning boxset on the shelf*

okay, that explains that.
(Not spoilers because I haven't seen the relevant serial either)
I think he hid it on Earth so other people wouldn't find it. And it wasn't back in days of One. Four or Five I think.

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
Apologies for the delay?
*flees the horde*
*Pursues the Kurly*