Quote Originally Posted by rogueboy View Post
This is as much me trying to get my thoughts sorted out as anything. Feedback appreciated, but not necessary, as always.

Brief recap (some of my recent posts have more details): Met a girl through OKC about a month ago, but due to various scheduling issues, haven't met her in person. Between the online messages and the text messages since, we seem to get along well and are both interested (possibly even excited, though I can't say for certain based on her texts, obviously) to meet each other. This past week she was out of town (got back Thursday), had an interview Friday (also my birthday, so I wasn't free either), bachelorette party that she was in charge of on Saturday, and the possibility of having to drive down (on Sunday) to DC for an interview tomorrow. This was all based on a text exchange on Saturday (yesterday); she was going to text me this afternoon whether she would be free tonight, but I haven't heard from her. And because one month isn't long enough for scheduling conflicts, I'm going to be out of town for a little over a week, leaving Thursday afternoon.

I see a few approaches:
1. Try to reschedule something for this week before I leave (Wednesday or earlier).
2. Wait until after I get back (2 weeks from today) to try to schedule something.
3. Let it go.

All of those, obviously, ignore the possibility of her trying to reschedule, but that's obviously something that's not in my control.

Right now, I'm debating between options 1 and 2 (I just don't see a big draw in #3, since there has been 1 night that wasn't work-related, and that was when she didn't get a second interview that she really wanted).

I'd try for #1. Something short and light might be best, to avoid extra scheduling issues. Maybe coffee?