Quote Originally Posted by Reluctance View Post
Rogueboy: Given her history of canceling, at the very least, you're not a priority. At worst, I've known girls who strung guys along with reason after reason, just to see how long they could.
It sounds like she's keeping our Rogue as a 'Plan B'. That's where a girl maintains a fallback date just in case her real plans don't work out.

I've been 'Plan B' many, many times. It's a degrading position to be in. My advice? Tell her you don't have time to anything until you get back. Make her wait. Schedule something definite (put some plans into motion, something enticing), but schedule it at your convenience rather than hers at this point.

If she has a genuine interest then she'll show up once she knows you've stopped letting her pull all the strings.

And skatrq? One piece of advice that, possibly, nobody has given you yet... it's okay to be angry. This is a person you cared about who decided on their own to leave in the worst way possible. It was ultimately a selfish act. They left and in no way are required to face the consequences, but everyone else who were part of the life they threw away are.

I know there's going to be guilt. You can't stop that. You can't know how you could have been there and prevented this. Ultimately, you will never know. But there's also guilt over being angry because how can you be angry at something so tragic?

Well, you can be angry because they didn't consider it important enough to reach out to you for help.

You can be sad because they're gone. You can be hurt because they're gone. But just remember that you can also be angry because they left, and it's not your fault that you feel that way.