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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: D&D 5th Edition: the fifth edition of the discussion thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashdate View Post
    Your philosophy is fine, I'm just reiterating that PC rules are not great for running as "monsters" in 4e combat in; Action Points are extremely powerful in high damage/low hit point combats.
    The nova problem isn't really a problem per se.

    Actually, this entire disagreement is a simple difference in playstyle. NPCs aren't "monsters" or "encounters". They are actors in a world, and if it brings them into hostile contact with the PCs, then so be it.

    Throwaway NPCs like random city guards would have rough notes sketched out for them and I just fill in the blanks on the fly by looking at character creation rules.
    Non-throwaway NPCs do actual things and I do need to know their abilities.
    Last edited by jseah; 2012-07-30 at 05:38 PM.