Sznovf- Wizard's Tower

Well, it's a wizard's tower. One should always expect everything to be magic. Usually, it is.

No examining of the invisible box? It's not hidden from magic-vision, so Cassidy could likely find it whilst her eyes water.

If she carries on through the mahogany door, she will discover a large chamber with three doors leading away. This main chamber, however, is a laboratory, with a workbench against one wall and scattered liberally with wands, cogs, springs, gears and tools. Some of the tools are rather mundane; others are clearly enchanted- either made of solid crystal or another unusual material, glowing slightly, or scuttling across the worktop on many articulated legs, each ending with a different sized screwdriver. In the centre of the room is a large, white table with four chains leading to a currently-open manacle. The table's very clean, though a nearby rack of knives, wands, and strange implements that seem vaguely surgical stands nearby- as with the worktop tools, some of these are also enchanted, though none seem capable of self-locomotion. On the walls are more racks of tools, surgical implements and also diagrams- some of anatomy, some of constructs like the monkeys and some of them describe the necessary processes for enchanting swords, guns, clothing and armour, amongst other, stranger articles.

Village of Thingummywhat Worshippers

The priest approaches respectfully, though doesn't want to interrupt Megan's thoughts so is left standing awkwardly a few feet away from Megan, ideally behind her.