Quote Originally Posted by Hullabaloo View Post
I was surprised there was not. In another game I played the Hunter type class had a tracking skill that showed stealthed rogues for a short period. Having a skill with no counter in the game surprised me.
Didn't WoW hunters used to have Track Stealth? Or is it just that Track Humanoid had a chance to reveal stealth? Or is there a Glyph option for it? It's been a long time since I looked over hunter.

Yes, Flare has a range that Rogues can counter. Which is why smart hunters stand on their Ice Traps or Frost Traps. Great, he shadowstepped? Frozen/Slowed and revealed. Hunters Mark prevents stealth.
Or the other trick is to stand away from the objective a ways, in Camoflage. Throw the flares onto the objective with an explosive trap or Ice Trap on the objective.

There are other options too. Magma totem has a pretty decent range. Arcane Explosion randomly if you are a mage, Holy Nova if you are a Priest. If you are a druid, constantly scatter mushrooms and detonate them constantly. Don't worry about mana because in PvP longevity is countered by burst, so sustainability is largely meaningless.

Vanish didn't used to remove Faerie Fire (Druid), not sure if that's changed. Can't stealth with it on. Druids should have Natures Grasp up constantly in PvP (roots target if they hit you, can root up to 3 targets + Entangling Roots), and the minute you are out of stun, do everything in your power to cyclone the rogue for as long as possible.

The other is wait for the first hit, pop defensive CD's (many aren't affected by stuns) which are typically a soft counter to burst.

The other counter to stealth is temporary retreat. Move away, and break line of sight ASAP. Count to 5, go back to the objective you are defending, assault the rogue, call in reinforcements, whatever. But get away for a moment or two, it makes all the difference in the world. If a Rogue has already popped cooldowns trying to kill you, they aren't likely to do too well when you turn around and have the initiative and try to kill them.