Quote Originally Posted by Eadin View Post
He's shy and I'm worried that I'll have to be the one taking all the initiative, that he'll be clingy and other stuff like that ( I have no proof he'll be that way).
You said that you hung out a lot while you were volunteering... Did that leave you with any expectation that you'll have to drive the conversation, or that he's clingy? I know that I'd usually describe myself as being shy, particularly when first meeting someone, but if there are a lot of shared interests I can draw myself out a lot more, and (I don't think) I force anyone else to 'run' the conversation. This is more from self-observation in the non-dating world, but it's worth considering.

Update on my adventure (girl who kept cancelling on me, scroll up for more details): I still haven't heard from her since our brief discussion last Saturday of her bachelorette party and potential interview on Monday. I asked her on Monday how the bachelorette party went, but haven't sent her anything else since. I may ask (probably tomorrow) what happened with that interview (she didn't know if she'd get it last time we talked), but at least for the next week or so (while I'm out of town), I'm going to leave it largely on her to make contact. Also, I'll be largely incommunicado for a little over a week, and am not taking my laptop with me, though I'll try to check in at least on occasion.