Rather than making a new thread for my situation (and placing a -stupid- piece of filler conversation that ended up derailing the thread and painting me in a light I did not mean to be under), I should have just posted here....

Learning from that past mistake, I'll just skip right to my point: I am going on my first date ever tomorrow.

On the outside, I am calm and quiet, slightly proud of myself, and overall happy about this.

On the inside, I'm ready to vomit, scared out of my mind that I might mess up, horrified of any of the bad possibilities of things happening, and overall ready to freak the freak out.

Thank goodness she likes some of the same things that I do; once stuff starts happening, the shell of nervousness and sweat usually gets shed rather quickly.

My biggest fear (this is the part that's worth reading if you want to respond) is that I'm not interesting enough to keep a conversation going, nor that I'd be able to hold up my own end, and to that end I'm trying to think of different things to ask her when we go out to eat after hanging out. Any suggestions?