Well folks, here we are, halfway through the contest. Two more weeks remaining.

Let's see what we got here...

The Tamer of the Devourer is neat and fun, quite different. The writing style is funny, and at first I was thinking, "Oh gods, not another joke class" but while the writing is very tongue in cheek, the class is not intended to be a complete rip on the contest and is in fact a serious entry. Good stuff, made me laugh a few times.

Soul Bound Postillon, let's see.. picture is broken, and the class is unfinished. Two more weeks!

Familiarist is complete looking and ready to compete, good looking class as well. I like it!

Divided Soul is nearly complete. Picture is coming up broken to me and I personally think it needs some introduction fluff to get you into it, and some of the background fluff isn't complete. But so far so good, and some more exposition on a few of the abilities. Otherwise it's got some good ideas in it and I like the concept.

Alchemic Archer is cool, I like the pet being a bomb-sniffing/delivering animal. Obviously there isn't such a thing in PF as a grenade launcher but this comes very close.

Abberant Shepherd is seriously neat, I really like Lovecraftian horror and you've gone and made something pretty awesome with it. LOTS of Fluff, love it. Good work!

Another sneaky class, the Promethean Psion surprised me. At first I saw the picture and groaned but it actually has a really cool flavor to it and neat abilities to boot, really brings those barbaric types out to get neat substance to them. Good stuff, goofy picture :P

Soulbond Necromancer, first off, awesome pic. Next, cool ideas here, but I personally don't see any reason to ditch caster levels on this one except at first level unless the undead companion is going to get a heck of lot of cool. Additionally, the class (obviously) needs finishing with the Reclaim the Lost Soul ability. Fantastic start though!

Friend of Undeath isn't finished enough for me to comment other than to say keep it up!

Holy Mount just makes me laugh, because its a complete reversal yet oddly not of the theme. Neat ideas though! I dig it!

Daemonchain Cultist is unfinished but has a neat premise.

Body of Chaos is really friggin' neat, I dig it! Just needs some of the fluff finished and its good to go!

Protege of the Iron Dragon is also unfinished but has a really neat concept as well.

Okay, that's what I got so far, and this is also to bump us back to the 1st page. Two more weeks, lets finish these entryies, maybe get another 4-5 of em, and call it a win!
