Quote Originally Posted by Dublock View Post
Reading Ivellius's reply that Blizzard made a note (I *think* on twitter that met with some outrage on the forums for a few days

They intend on having Thrall back as a leader of the Horde.

I was posting in a thread that I think Thrall should take a backseat with his wife and kid and someone posted a link strongly suggested that Thrall won't be doing that after MoP.
I'm not worrying about the new Warchief until we hit the last Tier of the expansion. However, after Chris Metzen 'spoiled' that Garrosh was going to be a boss and strongly suggested that Thrall was going to be the new Warchief, Zarhym was on the forums about a week later and said that "Chris Metzen's statements were not entirely accurate" and this is word for word quote, not paraphrase. Chris Metzen and no one else from Blizzard commented on the situation. Mind you I haven't seen this new quote yet as I have been without internet at home for the last 3 days. So I would say that no matter what is going to come to pass, Thrall = Warchief is not the whole story. There's lots of ways he could come back in a major role to the Horde, such as a major spiritual advisor to whoever becomes Warchief. But honestly, between the Earthen Ring and his family, I see him having more on his plate. I doubt they'll change him from a neutral character back to a Horde character, partly because of Alliance QQ (no really) and partly because it just isn't his role anymore. Moreso because he's grown away from the Horde.

In fact, I fully expect Thrall to be trying to mend the rift in relations with the Pandarens caused by by the Horde and Alliance conflict. Thrall has always been pushing for peace, even with the Alliance. This is where I expect they will keep him out of the way for the majority of the expansion.

I kind of pictured Thrall and Malfurion teaming up at some point (IE-Last phase of Heroic Ragnaros), but I'm glad they had Haamul Runetotem and Cenarius team up with Malfurion instead. It was good to see all three teachers of the Druid path do something incredible together.