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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Exalted Discussion Thread XI: Great Job, You Broke the Scale.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jade Dragon View Post
    I still don't know of any media which has people with DB + Solar powers. Justice League? Avengers? X-Men? Spidey? Berserk? One Piece? AtlA? FMA? TTGL?

    The closest thing I can think of is Percy Jackson when he had the Curse of Achilles.
    yea, but there have been elemental peoples doing Solar level stuff, and not just with silly energy blasts. those are like the most basic of basics, firing raw stuff at people.

    and if you really have to ask…..Naruto, Avatar (Airbender + Korra), Magic: The Gathering, Codex Alera….

    @Turalisj: and yes, they are boring. an all-prepared detective? meh. I prefer something closer to Tony Stark. furthermore, I can't really tell what skills they are using to make them heroic. they are so "internal" so to speak, its hard to discern what they are actually doing, and so I don't feel like they really done anything at all…..

    but then again…..I'm an eccentric by any standard. even my own.

    Edit: I dunno, I guess I just can't relate to Pure Human Awesomeness for some reason. Feels too much like Superman. and Superman is boring.
    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2012-08-03 at 02:23 PM.
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".