{Melody's Island- Near Cottage}

Quote Originally Posted by Reinholdt View Post
"Well apparently physical combat bonuses if Catoline's any indication." Vincent points out.
Caroline frowns, but loses it to a small fit of giggles. That's just ridiculous. she smiles. But okay, which game should we try next?

((There was the fishing game, but that was for one player only, and the caring for the sick game, incase you forgot what was left.))

{Melody's Island Beach}

Quote Originally Posted by McBish View Post
"I'm glad you came with me, and that you enjoyed yourself."

Derek hops out of the boat pulling it up onto shore before offering Jezebelle a hand out of the boat.
I had a great time, as well. she smiles. The first time I've ever enjoyed being on the sea. Thank you. she waits until Derek offers his hand, and carefully steps back onto land. She resists the urge to kneel down and kiss it.