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    Ogre in the Playground
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    On Another Adventure

    Default Re: The Blackwood - A Folkloric "Mini" Setting (WIP, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Landis963 View Post
    I just came from his gallery. Wow those were phenomenal. In a stroke of hubris, I asked if he would paint Therinos' night sky for me (That's the world linked in my sig, don't remember if you've seen it), and given him my e-mail.
    Go for it! I just yanked one I liked.

    Was browsing YouTube. Got a great idea:
    When the Kareid Empire collapsed, its people scattered to the winds of the Central Sea. Many regressed culturally--some as much as a century behind--and very few managed to hold on to all of the wonders of their former lives. Today, the Seafolk are a wide and varied people, with a host of traditions, customs, and laws.

    There is a culture, the Olagan, who are considered barbarians by all but the most base of peoples. They disappeared into the vastness of the Central Sea, and have only recently been discovered by merchants and sailors. They do not even worship the Blue Man, but rather Toprak, the Earth Spirit.

    Combat among the Olagan is divided into two phases. In the first phase, each force simultaneously uses verbal and physical magic to transform themselves into demons and attempt to terrify the other army. In the second phase, they have completed their Voyun (War Dance), and physical combat begins.
    I picture creating a class that technically progresses in two separate characters at once (with different mechanics and hit points). You play both of them, but the Demon Dance Dude can only be played against other Olagani who consent to do the same. That way, you get two wildly different playstyles in one character, and it circumvents power creep because the ability to gish perfectly (awesome) is tempered by the stipulation that you can only use both when you're evenly matched (less awesome).


    Another Idea
    In the Petty Kingdoms, the Elder Futhark is going to play a pretty big role. Their magic system will be based off of the runes, and I just had an idea for Norse Bindrunes. They're basically spells woven from the meanings of 2-3 different runes, arranged artistically in relationship to one another.

    I think it would be cool for characters from the Petty Kingdoms to have the ability to forgo progressing at advancement, if instead they select a rune or bindrune to apply to their possessions as carvings or bodies as tattoos. Upon the next advancement, after a trial used to contemplate the meaning of the runes, the character unlocks an ability that is just as good (perhaps a little better) than 2 level gains otherwise.
    Basically, I think it gives players the option to really control what course they would like their character to take. Bindrunes can explain just about any goal (from 'I want my sword to be on fire' to 'I seek wisdom in all that I do'), and can help the DM figure out what to do with the character. They could be a very cool way for characters from the Petty Kindgoms to explain the nature of gaining power over time.

    Last edited by Zap Dynamic; 2012-08-04 at 12:04 AM.
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