Quote Originally Posted by PurityIcekiller View Post
Well, it depends on who you want to meet. If you stop by the Civic Centre, we've got Winterflap and Silent Song there. Or, if you prefer, you could have her run into Flower Tail, who's probably off training in an open area somewhere.
I have no preference, but for sake's sake, by open area do you have any specific in mind?

On an unrelated note, has anyone else been having a wonky time with the threads?....Like for me when I see a green check marked thread indicating someone has posted in a thread I've posted in, I click it and it doesn't show the new post until I refresh the thread. Also when I open a new tab on the FFRPG forum display it still marks the thread as if someone had posted, but its not the case since I have already checked the thread out in a previous tab. .........I rarely have weird problems with the threads but do remember the stories of other players getting those wacky problems.