Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
I have no preference, but for sake's sake, by open area do you have any specific in mind?

On an unrelated note, has anyone else been having a wonky time with the threads?....Like for me when I see a green check marked thread indicating someone has posted in a thread I've posted in, I click it and it doesn't show the new post until I refresh the thread. Also when I open a new tab on the FFRPG forum display it still marks the thread as if someone had posted, but its not the case since I have already checked the thread out in a previous tab. .........I rarely have weird problems with the threads but do remember the stories of other players getting those wacky problems.
I'm not particular. It could be anywhere from a street in town to a clearing in the woods to a field.

As for the forums, it's glitching up sometimes, but I mostly just noticed it in PMs. The only thread it's happened on is the Murphy's Law thread.