Quote Originally Posted by Rogerd View Post
Do not read fanfiction on ff.net, most of it is total dross and of extremely low, or poor calibre. If you want good fanfiction go to:


Most of the stuff is of a higher calibre, and reviewers will generally tell the author, exactly what they think and how to improve it.
Meh, ive been a member of ff.net for like 6 years now. I have found hundreds of stories worth reading and rereading. Yeah there is a lot of crap, but that search function is freaking awesome. Its not perfect, but I like it better than say, hpfanficarchive.com. That one there has a really crappy search function. You almost have to know the story and author before you ever start looking. Blind searches stink. Though I have to admit, it is hard to wade hip deep in yaoi searching for a decent ff.net story sometimes. People are disturbingly obsessed with naru/sasuke stories. Or xander/spike