Quote Originally Posted by Deepbluediver View Post
I don't know about that. We mostly see Durkon heal and cast spells, but he's almost certainly wearing heavier armor than anyone else in the party, and carrying the only shield. If he buffed himself up beforehand and focuses on fighting defensively and self-healing, he can probably survive for quite a while. After all, we've only seen Tarquin use defensive manuevers and counter-attacks thus far, and while I doubt that's all he is capable of, if it's his specialty he might not be as powerful when forced to be the offender in a given situation.
At least, not until we figure out what kind of enchantments are on that axe.

More interesting, IMO, will be whether Durkon can hazard any sort of guess as to the identity of the masked-man-in-purple. Roy already pretty much figured out it wasn't Thog, but now Durkon has heard Tarquin's whole speech.
All this and PLUS: As we know from the first strip Durkon has a bonus to stability! Tarquin's tricks of throwing people around might not work so well...