Quote Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
Maybe, maybe not. Haley can't sneak attack a concealed target and Belkar is a low STR, DEX based warrior with fairly ordinary daggers (presumably magical, but not flaming or anything that adds a ton of extra damage). That means maybe 20 points or so of damage from the arrows (+5 bow, as I recall) and maybe another 20 or so from the three dagger hits... it all comes down to A) how hard the trap hit and B) how Nale's levels are split. If he has more fighter levels than anything else (which I consider likely) then he may still have a decent chunk of HP remaining. If he's an even split Fighter / Rogue / Sorcerer then he's probably hurting... but I suspect he'd be a lot better at magic and trap finding if that were the case.

My personal guess: he's still over half health and not in any immediate danger (though another couple of rounds could change things a lot). However, if Belkar has favored enemy: Human then Nale may be worse off.
Nale is level 16, he has at least 8 levels in Sorcerer (casts Dimension Door) and at least 2 levels in Rogue (has Evasion). At most, he has 6 levels in Fighter.