Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
So what is it with guys and going from "this girl hurt me" to "all women are horrible"?
I'm well aware that it's no doubt a tiny minority of guys who do it, and I'm sure there's women who do it to, but I've never seen a girl get so suddenly and nastily hateful. Although I suppose I might've just missed it *shrug*
It's natural overreaction. It is easy to rail against everyone in a group, rather than rationally say "no, it's just that one person" and possibly have to accept one's own fault. The trick comes in handling the cool-down from that overreaction well and remembering that "all women are horrible" is as untrue as "all men are horrible" or "all Germans are nazis" or something equally terrible (and yes, I've heard all of the above ).

Oh, and yes, women do it too. I've both seen it and been the victim of it. Sure, anecdotal evidence doesn't count for much, but there you have it.