Quote Originally Posted by Yeshon View Post
Free Port

"And where would that be?"

Ship thinks for a moment, then smiles, "Anyone got another plane we can use?"
Well I DO know of one... The Doctor replied, rubbing at his chin. Ombra recently created a new one for himself - there's almost no inhabitants, I could try and get him to put her there.

Quote Originally Posted by Yeshon View Post

Ombra walks through the golden Citadel unmolested. Some Deathless take note of his presence, but ignore him for the most part.

Anreydu is made almost entirely of gold colored iron. The streets are cobblestone and Deathless walk side by side with Inevitables. In some quarters they train against each other. The Inevitables, a constant presence in Anreydu, carry scroll upon scroll filled with information of scientific and magical phenomenon.

The third highest tower was easy enough to find. Asking any of the Deathless revealed its name to be the Tower of Records, where most of the Inevitables stored their data on unique phenomenon.

The inside of the tower is a huge library built on a spiral. At the very top, in a private Alcolve Gwyn is examining record after record, trying to find out what the Inevitables recorded of Isanloff's or Kiolasa's death.

When Ombra reaches the Alcolve a single Deathless stands guard at the door.
"Hold, Dame Gwyn is-"

"Where the Hell is it??" The sound of cracking stone reverberates through the hall.

"searching the records." He manages smoothly.
Ombra looked the Deathless in the eye. The Crone asked me to help her. May I go in?

The first draft of this post, I accidently named Ombra the Doctor.