
Quote Originally Posted by Beans View Post
Scainte pinches her cheek.
C'mon, you. Let's get some breakfast in us.
Andy giggles, and pinches back.
"That sounds wonderful!"
And she bounces up out of bed! Tossing her multi-colored hair.

[Remnant Locker Room Scene]

Quote Originally Posted by happyturtle View Post

"Because when you feel like absolute ****, which is how you're going to feel for the next week or so, at least you can look in the mirror and go 'Daaaamn, I look good!' By the way, did you see anyone about medical management of withdrawal symptoms?"

The two women should be arriving at Remnant now, but we can keep it in this thread since BR is already here. Tracey leads them straight to the locker room and the showers, where she strips out of her Scandalously Short Dress and drops it straight in the trash. Luckily there are standard issue Remnant workout clothes in various sizes (and species compatibility) available for changing into after the shower.

She does keep her heels though.
Eileen rolls her eyes, both at the thought of wanting to look good and at Tracey's keeping her heels, and removes her contaminated clothing as well. "No, I didn't," she admits with regards to withdrawal managment. "I deserve the symptoms."