[A Wheat Field]

Pretty much anywhere would seem tainted and corrupt when contrasted with Equestria. Except possibly Mount Celestia or some other heaven-like locations.

"Common nomenclature," Zee counters. "And maybe you would be willing to help me because it's the right thing to do?"

True enough.

"I love this place. And I love the people in it. Despite all their shortcomings and failures. And so I protect it as much as I can. There are... rules regarding what I can and can't do. How I can and can't intervene. Mostly I have to operate through proxy, point others in the right direction. But this Star?"

Oooh. There's the term.

"It doesn't follow our rules. Which gives me a little more leeway to operate. It hasn't broken the rules enough for me to step in personally. Yet. But by that time people would be dying. Or worse. And I would rather avoid that outcome if at all possible."

Zee takes a deeeep breath.

"Your friend, the purple unicorn? The infection has run deep in her already. And a few of my children are doing their best to purge it from her without causing any damage. If you know of ANY way to cleanse her safely I'm listening."