Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Two things you need to do:

1) You write enough that you can get to know how they think. Some prose with them, some notes, whatever it takes to get into their head, and realize what their thought process might be for most situations.

2) Basic stats, detail is relative to importance. Your big players you'll want to have a good idea of level, wealth, abilities, etc, but for your more random mooks, shopkeepers, townsfolk, the bare minimum of their abilities can suffice. Know what they should be able to do, figure out what sort of roll modifiers they'll be dealing with, and go with it.

Important note: Figure out these modifiers ahead of time. Doing it on the fly tends to rule in the player's favor, makes it too easy for them.
Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
I can help! My NPC list looks like this:

[Spring Prince] Cornelius Talmage
Male Spring Court Fairest Muse
Madly upbeat used car salesman
“Seize the day, no matter the cost”

Hans Gruber
Male Autumn Court Manikin Elemental
Hobo King
“Why make something if I’m not getting paid for it?”

Robert Cludge
Male Winter Court Gristlegrinder Ogre
Cannibal construction Worker
“I’m sure the smart folk will work it out.”

Ecetera. Gives me a simple, flavourful platform that I can leverage into more detailed personalities if the PCs take a shine to them. If the PCs ignore, kill or overlook them, then I haven't wasted a lot of work/don't need to shoehorn them into the story.

Peripheral NPCs can stay in the periphery, never becoming more than their outwards appearance would suggest (unless you decide to step them into the spotlight). Important NPCs become increasingly elaborate, with aspects of their personality discussed, revealed and explored on. This technique works decently for tabletop games (you sometimes have to think really fast if the PCs unexpectedly, say, go for a jaunt into the NPC's Astral Space) and excellently for PBPs (because you always have time to think between replies).

More examples in the NPC cabals section of Skyscraper Graveyard.
Very handy tips, thanks guys!