"Understood, Father."

The woman surveyed her new surroundings with interest, peering down at the mortal world. So drab, so dreary...but the framework was there, at least. And those bird-things showed promise, the ones that walked among the people. Yes, they were indeed the best starting point...

With sweeping, overly-flourishing hand movements, the newly-named Adelaide sketched her own dress in the air, blue and billowing, with a sweeping tail of feathers held in place at the waist by a sash. Then, slowly and deliberately, like plucking at threads on a loom, she began to pinch and taper the sketch, stretching parts out and arranging them until they suited her fancy.

The result was a tall, slender figure, with sapphire-blue plumage and a proud violet crest atop its head. Like the other bird-folk, it walked on two legs, but its tail was a stunning symphony of shining greens and shimmering blues.
Carefully, she painted up dozens more, and set them down in a corner of this world, where they would not be disturbed.

This new race would act as her artisans, and they would fill the world with their art.

"But what" she thought, "is the purpose of art if the finest pieces are not to be displayed in their full splendour to those who can truly appreciate the beauty?"

As if in response, the area around Adelaide rippled and shifted, becoming a beautiful, grandiose hall, with a sumptuous chaise-longue at the centre, upon which the newly-birthed Goddess found herself reclining. Looking around this hall, she saw crystal podiums, gilded frames, even cordoned-off gardens...but all empty and unoccupied.

"...Work, my Peafowlkin. Together, we shall fill this gallery."

Create Life - Peafowlkin: 15 AP - 1 AP =14 AP.

The Peafowlkin are a race of basically-humanised peacocks, and their entire purpose is to work as crafters and painters. They pretty much have no concept of conflict, and spend their days pursuing creative ends.

Weave Plane - Adelaide's Gallery: 14 AP - 4 AP = 10 AP.
A vast, sprawling gallery, filled with picture frames and podiums and empty exhibits, waiting to be filled. There's a blue velvet chaise-longue in the centre, where Adelaide reclines while within her demesne.