Quote Originally Posted by Ceric View Post
Congratulations on the Kickstarter, Chris!
Thank you! That was...well, that was quite a surprise. :)

Before we launched the Kickstarter, my total guess was it was 25% likely we wouldn't be successful, 50% likely we'd manage the $10,000 we wanted, and 25% likely we'd do a bit better (maybe $20K or so). It was in no way a sure thing! The generosity and support people have shown has absolutely blown us away.

Now we're trying to come up with the coolest stretch goals we can. :) The first two have already been hit - a live online chat for backers to talk to characters from Fallen London and the Silver Tree, and a backer-exclusive story arc. We should be announcing more soon.

Yasmeen's already hard at work on writing The Silver Tree. She's been telling me about some of the stuff in there and it just sounds great. She's got such a unique voice, and I think this is going to be something really special.