Quote Originally Posted by MonkeyBusiness View Post
Thanks, everyone. I am doing better today: after lying around swaddled in ice packs all weekend, I decided to take a cab to my favorite cafè today. I had a latte and then went for a walk. Ibought a used book, and some treats for my pets. Then I took a cab home. Only a few hours out, and my shoulder hurt when I got back ... but I feel much more like myself as a result. Now I'm lying down again with more ice packs ... but I feel more patient with it, thanks to my brief escape.

But anyone who wants to send sympathy and hugs my way ... feel free to continue to do so. I may be incapacitated for a month or more.

I'm glad you're doing better now! That sounds like a pretty nasty affair all around.

Having a broken limb sucks. I broke my leg very badly earlier this year (also from a bike accident, though of the going-way-too-fast variety and not the falling-down-a-hill variety; makes for a less dramatic story later), and I remember the three months I spent not being able to leave the house as being rather miserable. I don't know how much you can do with your hands right now, but I spent most of my time drawing, working on campaign plans, watching movies (when I could get people to get them to the TV for me), and watching TV (the most TV I've ever watched, probably - and ever will watch, I hope). And reading, once I could stop taking the painkillers that were making it impossible to concentrate on anything. The lack of being able to do anything yourself is the worst part, I think, even beyond the pain.

Anyhow, you have my sympathy, and I hope you recover swiftly.