The Forest

Gwyn bursts through the portal. The abrupt change in environment nearly sent her into a coughing fit.

"Uncle Belsheroth!" She called to nowhere in particular in the forest.

At the same time the Inevitables who had assisted Merolle in curing the godplague mobilised and made for the forest's gate.

"Lady Gwyn has requested we assist you in whatever capacity we can, in regards to Lord Kipt's ailment."


Any subject that's not philosophical can be found here (though being a god's servant metaphysics is also covered).

But yeah, think of what would be scientific for gods. Otherwise the subjects you asked for are present.

Snow Haven

The voyage had gone off without a hitch, they had gotten a good price for the horses and caught a merchant ship going north. The merchants hadn't tried to betray them, pirates hadn't attacked.

All in all it had been a safe voyage. Sophia stood on the deck and sighed, "Finally."