Adelaide's Gallery

The Countess pondered for a moment, before handing her plate back to the dessert-serving peacock.

"Very well. As your Lord has shown such courtesy to me, the absolute least I can do in return is host a banquet in his honour.

Could you kindly do me the courtesy of telling me where I might send his invitation? You, of course, are most welcome to attend yourself, in your capacity as Herald."

She smiles at this last statement, before turning to an ostentation of peacocks. Understanding seems to flow through their collective gazes, not exactly like lightning, but more akin to the flourishing ribbon of a rhythmic gymnast.

Smiling as her subjects took off to some unknown point in the distance, Adelaide once again turned to Zerachiel.

"And is there anything I can do to thank you, or even just as your hostess? Another drink, perhaps?"

How Tides Have Changed

Phenelope swam in silence, marvelling at everything she set her eyes on. Even the colours here seemed to dance, like tailfeathers caught in a breeze, or the skirts of Lady Adelaide as she danced. And the creatures - how unusual, how splendid! She found herself committing every moment to memory, her head teeming with a million half-formed inspirations.

And then she saw it.

The most wondrous sculpture to have existed. It was...Everything the Peafowlkin strived for. It was as though the jewels had been carved into this structure, then inlaid with smaller jewel sculptures, and the beauty went on forever.

Phenelope croaked out a question.

"W...What is that?"