Quote Originally Posted by Bad Situation View Post
Nikolas gratefully accepts the Repair Kit and resists the urge to open it up to look inside. But that would probably be rude to Avu and he wanted nothing more than to make the man proud. In all honesty he wasn't interested in the gym leader challenge, but he was a trainer now and if he just sat around dong nothing he really would be the 'waste of space' his father claimed he was. He quickly organizes the items and sticks them into the appropriate pockets on his messenger bag without another word.

It was a sad thing to admit, but his entire life was in the bag. He had packed everything he had last night, unwilling to return to the house should he win. Or lose.

Remembering the difficulties he faced earlier during the test, he withdrew from his pocket his Pokedex and began pressing buttons. Did it have any information on it yet? He had been able to make the correct choice due to Abra's influence but what if he had chosen incorrectly. Not being able to find the information he sought, he decided to ask Avu, "Where's the information about 'Misdreavus', "Scraggy', and 'Ralts'?"

He says each name with deliberation, afraid to mispronounce them and embarrass himself in front of the gym leader.
Avu gladly obliges. "Ah, since that's a brand new Pokedex it's a clean slate. Much like you now that you've become a trainer, if I might so observe. But here, this is a perfect chance to practice using your Pokedex." He releases the three pokemon that you mention, and the Gengar appears beside them as well. "Press that button right there to scan each of these guys one a time, and your Pokedex will record their information. Oh, looks like Face here wants to get scanned too. Go ahead, Nikolas. They won't mind."