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Thread: PTA: Wuhtu (IC)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: PTA: Wuhtu (IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by CosmicOccurence View Post
    Leo throws himself to the side this time. He knew he had no chance of winning. It was all a matter of how long they wanted to play with their food. But he had one more pokeball and by mew he would use it!

    This time, the pokeball actually shakes a few times. For a moment, it seems like you actually might catch it!

    But then it breaks out, already laughing. Seems like it was just toying with you. The Durants as a whole though, are not toying with you anymore. This time, all of them step up.

    You brace yourself for the impact, as there will be no dodging this.

    Guillotine! Times SIX!!
    Wait...none of them hit?!
    Screw the numbers, I have GM abilities! You die.

    Everything goes dark. For just a split second, you are afraid that you've actually died.

    You snap awake, safe in your own bed. It is the next morning, and your pokemon are soundly asleep right where they were before.
    Last edited by HZ514; 2012-08-16 at 07:28 PM.