Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeIncluded View Post
I have to ask, what happened to all the posts of discussion and analysis? What happened to half my readers who used to post all the time? Nobody mentioned the first panel here...

Don't get me wrong, you are all awesome, but I wonder what made the post level drop so much. I guess a lot of it's my fault and I need to post more.
My theory is that this is page, ittle new info is introduced to actually discuss, and most of what's revealed or shown on the page we know already: Miles is tired as f***, Hyperion and Murphy are getting suspicious, pushed on by Rust, and Miles is doing something risky and big.

I do find it interesting that Miles is able to insult Hyperion (albeit in a way he deserves... heh heh. Perry), imply that his time is more important than the king's, and then refuse a direct order from the king with the Cleric General(?) right next to him. It's really quite astounding