Quote Originally Posted by CosmicOccurence View Post
Leo smiled, Billy was making a big mistake letting him use both of his pokemon in this match. His numel had just recently learned magnitude, and he probably wanted to try the new move out. Leo could use that to his advantage.

How about a little bet? Say, $500?

Leo will accept any bet $1,000 or less, and no bet at all. Rest of post assumes the battle starts normally.

Leo releases Piri Piri. This is Piri Piri, my Darumaka. He beat one of Halle's arcanine's pups without being hit once.

Item elimination comes first! Blast him Piri. Piri Piri releases a gout of flame from his belly that races at the numel, it was hot enough to burn any berries the Numel might be holding. And now evasion tactics. After the attack, Piri Piri runs to his left, getting out of striking range of magnitude.

Release Piri Piri at G7. When battle starts Incinerate, AC2 (1d20)[11]. Fire Damage, SpAtk, burns any berry it has. (1d6)[3] on crit (1d4+7)[9]. Damage not important. Then, he shifts to D8

Billy's voice changes every so slightly when you mention a bet. "Let's make it $1000. More interesting that way."

The Numel manages to duck under the stream of flame. "Good, Noles! Now get up close and show them what you learned while we were training!"

Noles walks up to your Darumaka and slams its foot on the ground, making the earth shake!

AC 2 (1d20)[11]
1 (1d4+7)[9]
2 (1d8+7)[11]
3 (2d8+7)[10]
4 (2d10+7)[11]
5 (3d10+7)[25]
6 (5d10+7)[23]