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Thread: My Little Pony LI: FE

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    Titan in the Playground
    Anarion's Avatar

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    San Francisco

    Default Re: My Little Pony LI: FE

    Been a busy few pages of ponythread. Semi-mega-quotepost, though nothing compared to some of SiuiS' better relics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiki Snakes View Post

    Discord. Imprisoned for a thousand years or two, the first thing he does upon escaping his eternal prison is launch into what is clearly a pre-meditated plan. He inflicts chaos of unprecedented levels on Equestria and outright Dares the wielders of the Elements of Harmony to try to imprison him again. After defeating his distractions and getting everything together, they fire the elements at him, and he is reduced to a statue once more.

    All according to Keikaku. (Note - Keikaku means plan).
    Discord's real goal here isn't revenge, it's freedom and safety. He knows that Celestia dare not leave him free, and that she will send the Elements and their wielders after him, so the only way to be free of his statue prison is to convince them that they have won.
    He overplays the chaos side of things, turns it way up to 11 and makes himself out to be the biggest, most insane and uncontrollable godlike madman and goads the Wielders of the Elements of Harmony into giving him everything they've got.

    When they finally beat his apparent plot and activate the elements, he plays along, substituting an illusion of himself for the target and making a real statue out of it as the elements hit empty space. One lightshow later, the ponies who were too angry to be thinking clearly and too relieved to have clearly won, (as chaos subsides), are convinced a dangerous lunatic is sealed away forever, once more. Discord is free to drop the malicious trickster act (which he cribbed from his own, pre-imprisonment self and turned up to 11), and leaves equestria to take up a quiet life of only occaisional metaphysical sillyness in a land outside of Pony control. He walks away in disguise, to slightly familiar sad walking away music. (But finally free).
    So, the interesting thing about this, aside from the fact that it's in fitting with someone of Discord's apparent intelligence and power level, is that it actually has a tiny thread of support. Go back and look at the season 2 full cast posters. Specifically, this one

    Observe that Discord is in fact standing there admiring his own statue. Now, this poster is hardly canon for anything that could happen in the show, but it does provide us a vector image of Discord admiring his own statue. Coincidence, or conspiracy?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    I added myself to my buddy list. You can too!


    I am doing a final year university course and I need data. Could you spare 10 minutes and hit up this survey for me? It's non-intrusive and quick, and I only need a total of 50 responses.

    If you perform this service for me, I shall shout your name at the top of my lungs at some random moment in time in real life.
    I filled out your survey. You don't need to shout my name though. I'm happy to help, you just needed to ask.

    Also, have you tried going to shopping websites by way of consumer products websites? I've been told that there is a noticeable price difference if you hit up a shopping site from somewhere like consumer reports instead of going directly to the shopping website.

    Edit: by the way, I looked at that article you linked about price discrimination, and oh my god I've read that Netflix Study by Narayanan and Shmatikov. It was used in the context of a paper for the Harvard Journal of Law and Technology the usefulness vs. dangers of allowing collection of information about people online. I could get you a copy if you want.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diego Havoc View Post
    Derpy is best maid.
    Hee, this is funny. I actually went to a maid cafe in Tokyo last week before I left Japan and one of the waitresses was wearing black and purple kitty ears and a purple and pink mark on her dress that strongly reminded me of Twilight Sparkle, although that particular waitress didn't serve me, so I never got to ask her about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    I am conflicted between an immediate sense of disappointment and a fridge-sense of "oh, that's a good thing."
    Having DMed for both of them, I suggest that SiuiS is, from time to time, more profound and less coherent than Thanqol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    You use green whenever you're female.
    My god, you're right. How did you notice that? I can never keep track of his multiple personas in the same post.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    Uhhh, guys ... do you have any idea what to do when one of your OC's just starts grinning madly?



    Oh great, now he's laughing ... this can't be good.

    I'll take 20 of them, paint 6 in the mane 6 color scheme, 6 more like changelings, and the rest like Luna.
    Last edited by Anarion; 2012-08-20 at 06:40 AM.
    School Fox by Atlur

    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    Anarion's right on the money here.

    "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”
    Oscar Wilde Writer & Poet (1891)