Fun Theory Time (after playing Skyrim last night):

I was thinking about the two sisters and their ability to raise the Sun and Moon, but do they raise them seperately? Because if 1000 years ago Luna refused to move the moon, why couldn't Celestia just raise the sun anyway, which would overpower a night sky with or without a moon?

My theory is perhaps they aren't raising the sun and moon, but they control the rotation of Equestria between a day and night side. If they're equally powerful, then Celestia could not force the land's rotation back to the sun-side because Luna's power of keeping the land on the night side would cancel out Celestia's effort to move it.
This would explain Celestia's ability to control both day/night cycles while NMM was imprisoned (she can rotate Equestria herself) and explain why the sun didn't rise until Celestia's release in the pilot episode.

Quote Originally Posted by otakuryoga View Post
anybody want to have a hot date with Derpy?
LOL, that is cute. My fav Derpy images are ones she misinterprets words, but still succeeds at winning.

Quote Originally Posted by erikun View Post
This is for you.
Excellent! Thanks

Quote Originally Posted by Kd7sov View Post
"Stabbed by a muffin" suggests that the muffin is the perpetrator, the stabber. If you want something like the picture, "stabbed with a muffin" is probably a better bet.
Yeah, but if I correct it, I'll end up with a long line of friends attempting to end me with a basket full of day-old muffins after the DM stunt I pulled off last month. I think I'll play it safe and stick to my original statement. I'll live longer.

Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
Uhhh, guys ... do you have any idea what to do when one of your OC's just starts grinning madly?
Generally I threaten to put them in "The Box" and they shut up at that point.