Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
So, I admit I'm kind of annoyed with the whole "gay men don't get to be happy" thing in so much media. It seems like if a gay couple is going to form/stay together, they have to be lesbian. Even my webcomics seem to be getting in on it, consciously or not. Questionable Content doesn't have any major gay male characters, but Dora and Tai are on a date. El Goonish Shive is fairly queer friendly, but we've got a second lesbian couple before Justin (who was introduced well before any of the lesbian stuff) has found anyone.

Quote Originally Posted by noparlpf View Post
That's because lesbians are hot.

The sad part is that even though I'm personally being sarcastic, that's probably a large part of why media is more okay with lesbian couples.
Yeah, that was my answer, but I also remembered a picture I saw a picture a long time ago that was two panels, one was a group of guys(college age cis-males) cheering on two lesbians as they publicly made out and the other was the same guys expressing complete disgust as two guys just sat there one annoyed and the other 40%sad and 60% annoyed as they held hands and had their inside arms around each other.

Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
Yaoi fangirls squee yes.
Fanboy SQUEE!