A Stitch In Time

The two Kalpans were... Not glad, or anything they would normally feel.
They felt fulfilled.

Done! Aquaeris' voice exulted to Phenelope.

The Forests of Starlight

Out of the air rippled a man, wearing simple blue robes decorated with good taste and sense. His clothes were all made of slightly differing shades of blue, and his hair was an odd color that seemed not to be a color at all. His eyes were bright, yet shaded with the sorrows of millennia. The only thing unusual about him was his staff. It was simply carved out of wood, but it had many patterns in it, depicting verdigrised clockwork, huge trees, a flower, a knife, and many more.
"Greetings, my brother. You look well. And thee, I assume, art my niece? Well met. I wished to visit and meet you, for I have seen thy children, and they are seemly of form and mind. They are a great people, and have joined wing in claw with mine. We, I hope, are destined for happiness and friendship."
He bowed in a courtly fashion that had died out three millennia ago.
"I am the Flowing Sheen, Aquaeris."