Quote Originally Posted by Absol197 View Post
So, I've realized that it's the small victories that make it feel worth it to keep on going.

One of the things I've been worried about for a bit is the fact that I'm tall. I'm between 6'1" and 6'2", so not a giant, but I've done my fair share of towering in my day. Especially over my female friends and co-workers.

But, as I was leaving work today, I ended up following a woman that was almost exactly my height. I tried, likely unsuccessfully, to mimic the way she was walking, too (which probably looked really weird ont he security cameras, but meh).

So yeah. Little things that make you feel good .

That sounds nice. And don't worry too much. Yeah, 6'1 is pretty tall, but I've known women that tall. I used to know a family of giants. The shortest was 6'2 or 6'3 and his mother and sister were both taller.

Quote Originally Posted by Ichneumon View Post
Hello, everyone.

I've thought about this long and I think this is the time I should come out to my parents (at least to my father) as being transgender. I wanted to wait with this, but I feel that since I still live at home and am rather close to them, I can't really experiment or seek actual professional help without their help or them noticing things I can't really explain (I'm a terrible lier). Do you guys have any advise on how to approach this?

My father is a very tolerant man, I know he cares about me and is quite liberal towards homosexuals and I know he has read books about gender, so I know he's at least familiar with what it means.
I'd say just go for it. Talk to your dad first and then work out what to tell your mum.

Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
There was a study done that I will try to find stuff for because I can't post citation, that checked physical symptoms of arousal in men. It was specifically testing homophobia versus male erotica, but one o the things they found was that all men, straight or gay, show signs of arousal when watching girl on girl pornography. It also showed a big correlation between homophobic men and arousal during male on male pornography.
Interesting. See if you could find it again?