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    Colossus in the Playground
    Emperor Ing's Avatar

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    May 2007

    Default Re: Well That Was Unexpected Thread II: Now with 230% more lasers!

    The events of the Great Crusade before the recovery of Horus are pretty vague, with several notable exceptions. As a result it's pretty much an open license for anyone to do anything. Hence, i'm making it canon (well fanon) that the Imperium's xenophobia is a result of, as you said, every encountered alien race being suicidally hostile.

    And yes, the over-the-topedness of the regular sci-fantasy WTwU universe flows seamlessly with the over-the-topedness of 40k. It's perfect.
    And HERE'S what that picture on the Imperial Fists (not Angry Marines) ship was of.

    And enough text. Comic 543 nao!

    Questions? Comments? Critique?
    Last edited by Emperor Ing; 2012-08-22 at 08:40 PM.
    Dark Souls Remake in a Nutshell
    Don't mess with a Primarch

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