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Thread: LGBTAitP 26: No Time For Snappy Titles

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitP 26: No Time For Snappy Titles

    Quote Originally Posted by blackfox View Post
    Wut, that seems SUPER tall. I thought the average woman in the US was around 5'4", or 64 inches. Stdev seems right though, maybe a bit on the low side--3" or so, perhaps? This is just guesstimation from looking at my friend group. I definitely disagree with the average height though.
    (This would put a woman at 6'1" in the 99th percentile of height, and a woman at 6'4" in the 99.9th percentile of height, as opposed to 95th and 99th respectively with a 5'8" average height.)
    I can also say that I personally know several cis women who are over 5'10" (average American man height), mostly because their parents were also super tall. 6'1" is tall for a human, to be perfectly honest.
    The last study I saw (some time ago, so I have no evidence of what I am saying) claimed the average American man was 5' 10" and the average American woman was 5' 7".

    My fiance (a 6' 1" woman) regularly complains that ideal height/weight charts stop at 5' 11" for females, and that it is nearly impossible to find clothes that fit properly. Because she happens to be in the 99th percentile, dresses often come up short. VERY SHORT. I have no problem with this, but I see where her frustration lies.

    EDIT: This link agrees with my male numbers, not so much with my female numbers...
    Last edited by Logic; 2012-08-22 at 08:02 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by bosssmiley View Post
    You altruistic weirdo you!
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