Quote Originally Posted by HZ514 View Post
Whoops, made this guy's text Dark Orange when you already speak in that color. Gonna change it to Dark Slate Blue. Also, he looks like a normal 20-something guy with brown hair and casual clothes on. He doesn't look like a trainer, probably just a normal citizen of Port Tidings.

"I'm Brian. I love coming to these--whoa!"

The Archeops dives at mach speed from the apex of its flight, barreling straight into Halle's Bellossom, which falls back and doesn't get up.

"One left for each of us now, Halle!"

Halle smiles a radiant smile. "I wouldn't have it any other way." As she sends out a Ferrothorn, the crowd goes wild. The Arcanine by her side howls even louder than everyone else. This is it!

Halle's Ferrothorn drifts a bit closer to the Archeops and shoots a blinding ray of reflective energy at it. You can't see it connect, but your eyes start functioning in time to show you the aftermath: the Archeops droops down and barely remains aloft.

The Archeops musters all of its remaining energy to charge into Halle's Ferrothorn, which ends up looking just as exhausted when all is said and done.

"All I can do now is hope you miss!"

"Then it all comes down to this. Ferrothorn, finish it!"

The entire crowd gasps at once as the Ferrothorn backs up, lowers its head, and charges at the low-flying Archeops.

Iron Head!
AC 2 [roll0]
Damage: Just matters if it hits.
(Going to edit based on this result.)
I'm assuming you mean Wrystone, not Port Tidings :p

As Leo watched the battle he howled and cheered with the crowd. And, sad to say, he had to admit that the trainer was good. Of course, flying types do have an advantage over grass types.

When there's a moderately quiet moment, he speaks to Brian again. I just started as a league trainer yesterday, so I know how it feels, she's intimidating on the battlefield. What do you do?