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Thread: [Nexus] Home 12: Home, Home and Deranged

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    Pixie in the Playground
    The Alexandrian's Avatar

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    Dexter's Laboratory

    Default Re: [Nexus] Home 12: Home, Home and Deranged

    [Sparrow's Fall, World of Eight Moons]

    Spec is pulled into Trium's lap, then!

    She takes a moment to regain a shred of consciousness. Her eyelids part and she blinks, once, twice, and again. She stretches, her UGWD-burdened arm giving Trium a wide berth while her other soft hand makes a beeline for one of Trium's hands.

    Her lips part to address Trium, her voice but a whisper and her body and mind still groggy.

    "Good morning, Trium. I was starting to wonder where you'd gone off to."

    She yawns contentedly. She's not about to realize that it isn't morning anytime soon.

    [Fortress Mountain]

    Ah, empathy is overrated anyway! Empathy is for people who won't be the heir of a nation! A nation for all intents and purposes, at any rate.

    "Hmm... You wouldn't happen to have a tv lying around, would you? Or maybe high speed internet? If you do, I've got another gift for you and if you don't I've got even more gifts for you!"

    Just call her Santa! Santa sans elves. Elves would just clutter up the place and not do anything of any importance.

    Clarissa reaches into her pocket dimension jacket pocket and plucks out a video game console and two wireless controllers! It comes preloaded with all the latest and greatest vidjah games, so Day won't ever need to get up from his favorite chair ever again to change out the disks! It's also got a feature so that it can download the newest releases and charge them to an account under Clarissa's name! She's picking up the bill today!

    "Unless you've got something else in mind, we could play video games on this here console! You might enjoy yourself!"

    The slightly used and slightly stolen shipping truck packed with candy bars that Day bartered for might be materializing outside of the gates of the fortress right now if there's no dimension lock in place.
    Last edited by The Alexandrian; 2012-08-23 at 06:34 PM.