Quote Originally Posted by Triaxx View Post
When sword and board, Spellbreaker you need for dragons. I haven't met a dragon that can get through it yet. (Aside from the cheating SOB that is the deadlier dragons Storm Dragon.)
Actually, I was using Spellbreaker, but this was an Ancient Dragon on Master difficulty. That ward lasted less than a second. I've actually been getting lots of reports about Spellbreaker's invincibility, but it hasn't really shown that in my own usage. I wonder if it's a perk thing.

Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
Alchemy is actually quite useful for fighting dragons. A potion of Resist Fire or Resist Cold goes a long way towards nod being fried or deep freezed.
I figured that out later, and can now survive those fights by crafting potions of 102% resist fire/cold. I have no goddamn clue how that differs from a 100% potion, but that's what the numbers say.