Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Sandy let himself get picked up and dragged out of the spotlight of self-pity, an unconvinced look upon his face. "An' how d'you plan t'do that?" he said in a flat, spoken aside. Splashes of color and upbeat key changes weren't enough, bigger guns would be needed here.

"Gonna make you better~than you were before~ Just follow to mah every letter~To its very core~
And then for some reason he was balancing books on his head. Maybe for poise.

[I think this is where their back and forth thing can begin]

Quote Originally Posted by Deme View Post

This did not add up. He could see that goofy smile. That was, from Pyrite's understanding, not the correct facial expression.

"That...Doesn't make sense...Why would she do that?"

"Because she digs me and is my friend?"
And maybe something more Spark had himself an after thought.