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Thread: Baltimore/DC Area Meetup 2012

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Baltimore/DC Area Meetup 2012

    Avast! Why must this always be when I'm at school, a few hundred miles away?

    (I just saw this thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeb The Troll View Post
    Yeah, the Light Rail is Baltimore and is all above ground and only goes North-South. The Metro, of course, is DC's rail system and, unfortunately, they do not easily connect (though for a short trip on Amtrak and some schlepping it CAN be done).

    I'm not sure if we're going to rent the large van again this year or not. We'll investigate this more when the meetup is closer.

    EDIT: As far as nearby places to stay, there's a post upthread that has some links to recommendations, but it might be best to see where others are staying in order to coordinate travel to and fro.

    As a side note, there's a new shuttle route from the Shady Grove Metro Station and BWI, that goes along the new ICC. If I remember correctly, it's only around $5-10. I think there are other routes too. Hope that helps a bit with transportation.
    Last edited by Neftren; 2012-08-25 at 08:21 PM.