Sorry for dropping off the map back there ponythread. First I went on a surprise road trip, then I fell off of the art ball do to various real life issues. But I got better I'm still alive and at the end of the day that's what life is all about. Being alive. Yep. And drawing.

Quote Originally Posted by flyingchicken View Post
What time is it? It's Pinkie Time!

It's a bit rough, yeah, but I'll end up fiddling with it waaay too much if I started to. All in all, including the sketch I posted earlier, this took about two and a half hours. Finally, I think SAI's a fine tool.

I'm sorry if you expected Adventure Time Pinkie
Pinkie's hair. I like. A lot.
The legs are a bit splotchy compared to the hair, but you already noted it was just a rough.
Still, I'm probably going to steal that hair.
And now I want to try out SAI and leave the eternally buggy/freezing gimp behind. A fun handicap of course (who doesn't like to draw the same thing over?), but I'm getting the feeling it's time to move on.

A-100-10 or "If you spend *too* long pecking away at a picture, you will grow to hate it."

This one was a bit of a half request. Someone mentioned something about more sweetie vampire and I was sorta like "I-had-a-few-ideas-in-the-back-of-my head-why-not". So I chose a simply scene to get myself back into the game. Nothing complicated. Sadly, this picture has been giving me a lot of pain for the past 1-2 weeks.

It's an annoyed disgruntle melancholy vampire Sweetie Belle sitting down eating chocolates with telekinesis. Yay. It's compressed a bit, so the image is kinda bad. But that's the gist of it. I need to clean this one up some more, but by this point, I'm ready to chuck it out the window.