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    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    South Florida

    Default Re: the Ultimate Conflict (We're On A Boat) IC

    Note: Reposted. Originally posted around 1 PM today; did not show up in subscription feeds.

    Masanari was on his way to the docks, his entourage following closely behind. The whole crew of five exchanged concerned glances as the small crowd in the streets grew to a throng, the whole group gossiping excitedly about the "Lady of Pain."
    "Who is she?" Masanari asked, tilting his head toward Kagetsune, his cohort.

    Two things happen here: Masanari uses Knowledge (Local), trying to remember if he's heard anything about this "Lady of Pain" while he's been in port; Kagetsune does the same, and then the two discuss. The rest of this post continues despite the outcome of the rolls.

    Their conversation ends when the first crack streaks through the sky. All five look up at once, the shock spreading on everyone's face except for Masanari's. They watch as more cracks begin to split the firmament, slowly segmenting the heavens, and suddenly the crowds surrounding them begin to panic. Four sets of eyes fall upon Masanari and, after a moment, he shouts above the confusion.

    "Start extraction. Kagetsune, warn the tower." The young Machinist nods, turning towards an alley and pushing past the crowd. "Ori, Makoto, Isamu," he says, turning to the others, "Gather our agents on the ground and prepare them." The three ninja rush off in different directions and are soon gone.

    Kagetsune, meanwhile, has crouched inside an alleyway. He unshoulders his pack, places it on the ground, and reaches inside, producing a small, metal sphere.

    He's pulling the equivalent of a Feather Token (Bird) out of his bag, 300 GP. He has 28,700 GP left of items for the day.

    He writes a series of characters quickly on a small strip of paper and rolls it into a tight scroll. The metal sphere unfurls, forming a small, metallic bird with spinning gears and winding springs. Kagetsune pushes the scroll into a slot in its beak and pushes it up towards the sky. It shoots off, soaring up towards the distant tower. Once this is done, he shoulders his pack again and exits the alleyway.

    Masanari and Kagetsune rejoin and take off towards the docks, pushing their way past the panicked masses.
    Last edited by TwoHeadedBoy; 2012-08-27 at 10:22 AM. Reason: Added and then removed rolls when I realized they don't work during edit