Quote Originally Posted by noparlpf View Post
You don't need to be creepy or sexually harass a woman to continue to be a good friend and leave the option open to her, do you? Because I'm pretty sure that the stories I was referring to did not happen by the guy being a sexually harassing creep.
Constantly mooning over somebody who doesn't reciprocate your feelings is, at the very least, rather odd. Constantly dropping hints to somebody who isn't interested is creepy, and falls very close to the textbook definition of sexual harassment. That's not to say there aren't friends I wouldn't bone if given half a chance. Just that implicit in the friendship is the understanding that it probably won't ever happen, and being cool with that.

More to the point, you used the word "challenge". I really can't read "see escaping the friendzone as a challenge" without it coming across as "win the girl over despite her stated disinterest". The whole concept of "win the girl" is bad on so many levels to begin with (you land a date by being somebody that she wants to date, not by racking up enough points to cash in for the prize), and the whole thing smacks of something out of a romcom more than any human interaction.