First, I would like to say that this is one of the most beautiful, eloquent and, most of all, exciting pieces of homebrew I have seen on the forums. The possibilities that this spawns in terms of world-building, character concept realisations etc. is staggering.
Unfortunately I haven't read enough to come up with any new novel uses for this system, but the potential is very great indeed.

I just have a few questions about BIOY 101 and the volumes it effects in relation to the volumes taken up by creatures. I have read through the thread, but I found that the link you provided only had information about the length or height of a creature. Estimation is possible, but eyeballing the volume more exotic creatures occupy is open to a lot of interpretation, so would a list of creatures volumes per size category and whether they are quadrupeds or not would be great.

Secondly, making a HUGE SUPER MONSTER OF DEATH (really, this thing screams out for someone to attempt to recreate godzilla) using BIOY 228 is extremely problematic if you require sleep, because of the consecutive preparations required to animate objects of that size. For reference, an elephant is Huge in DnD, and in real life it takes up a volume of approximately 5 cubic metres, which is about 135 cubic feet, so creating a bio-chassis war elephant would take about 6 days straight.
One way to remedy this I see could be to alter the BIOY 273 to be able to alter a bio-chassis' size by one category larger or smaller, maybe as a special 8 hour preparation? With a maximum and minimum size limit based on your ranks in Heal?

Overall, love it so much .