Quote Originally Posted by Strife Warzeal View Post
And do those do anything to non-evil entities? Some of us are on the good-axis, you know. I did not allow myself to post it in the first place, might I add.
To be honest, I really have no idea what sort of effect they'd have on non-evil entities. There's no record of them ever being used as such, and Princess Celestia forbade me from trying to answer the question.

Quote Originally Posted by Maxtronaut View Post
*Large monitor pokes out from fortress. Text scrolls across screen.*

That's gonna be a bit difficult since I already have 5 fanfic ideas written down, & only 1 has been published so far. Besides, I'm better with OCs than actual characters from the show. I can never get their personalities right.

*screen now reads:*

Only five ideas plus one published? Huh, at this point I have ten fic ideas of various quality written down, plus the one I'm working on that's up on FimFiction.
Granted, most of the ten are only in the "idea" stage and not the "I have an actual plot thought out" or the "I have a clue what I want to actually happen" stage.

For those curious: (Decriptions liable to change during the transition from idea to story)
The Watchers Beyond the Walls
A professor from Canterlot travels to Ponyville in order to investigate a colleagues mental breakdown and claims of terrifying, alien creatures secretly watching Equestria’s citizens.

Rainbows and Laser Beams
Twilight Sparkle learns that one of Princess Celestia's previous personal students lives near Ponyville, and becomes eager to meet him. But what will happen when she dives into the strange world of Professor Irving Boffinspark?

The Rematch
Quiet Dreams, the unicorn mime Fluttershy narrowly defeated to become the Shhhh World Champion, has come to Ponyville to challenge her to a rematch. Will the shy pegasus once again defeat her rival, or has her time as champion come to an end?

Walking a Mile in Somepony Else's Horseshoes
Twlight's efforts to discover the secrets of chaos magic backfire when an uncontrolled spell swaps her friends minds and bodies.

The Dragons of Equestria
Spike learns that he's not the only dragon to prefer life among ponies when he receives an invitation to join Equestria's League of Guardian Dragons.

Stupid Cupids
Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash attempt to ensure that Twilight, Big Macintosh and Fluttershy have a romantic Hearts and Hooves Day, whether they like it or not.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Your Father
After being questioned by her daughter, Rarity reveals how she and Spike finally fell in love and became a couple.

Chaos Rising
The disciples of Discord have escaped their imprisonment beneath the Tower of Order. Now, Twilight Sparkle and her friends must contend with the most wicked masters of chaos magic ever to threaten Equestria.

Slayers: Harmony
After being pulled through a dimensional rift while trying to prevent the summoning of the Dark Lord Discord, Lina Inverse and her friends (along with Xellos) find themselves stranded in Equestria. Now, they must find a way home, while also stopping the renegade monsters who intend to release Discord from his prison.

Rainbow Dash Goes to Wondercon
Rainbow Dash takes a few days off to attend Wondercon, Equestria's largest Wonderbolts convention, only to face long-lines, overpriced food, and the horrors of overweight pegasui in spandex.

Quote Originally Posted by Kd7sov View Post
Query: is being without a partner necessarily a bad thing, as long as there are enough partners-and-offspring to propagate the species? Just a couple of pages ago we were discussing ponies that might be asexual.
Eh, this is ponythread. We were only going to talk about asexual ponies for so long before we went back to shipping anypony we could think of with anything else .